Top 5 Wednesday: Rainy Day Reads

Top 5 Wednesday is a Booktube group which makes book related top five lists. I’m not very regular with my Youtube videos so I’ll post them here instead when I can.

For more info on the group looks here on the Goodreads page:


This week is ‘Rainy Day Reads’. Have to say this week… month really… was a bit hard. I’m not much of a season or weather reader. I read whatever is available or whatever has been stuck in my head for a while so my reasons for any of these books is all over the place in my head. Anyway:


5) Alice Takes Back Wonderland by David D. Hammons:

When it rains I usually in a more … imaginative mood and this is fun with its mix of genres.


4) Demon Road by Derek Landy:

Bit of a random one but I just finished the second book in the series and wouldn’t mind reading the first one again.


3) Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern:

Favourite stand alone book. Its fun and creative and has a nostalgic feel to it, don’t know why.


2) Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling:

Love this series. It’s one of those few books that I’ve re-read. Rain also makes me feel nostalgic and this series definitely reminds me of my childhood and teenage years.




1) Sweep series by Cate Tiernan:

Much like with Harry Potter, it’s the nostalgia factor. I love this series despite not having read it in years so when I have a copy of all the books I’m sure I will be reading them every rainy day






Goodreads Links:


Alice Takes Back Wonderland by David D. Hammons:-

Demon Road by Derek Landy:-

Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern:-

Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling:-

Sweep series by Cate Tiernan:-